Which Article Spinner Is the Really Best Spinner in 2016 – Details

TBS vs SpinnerChief vs WordAI vs SpinRewriter

First of all, let me be clear on what is an article spinner. An article spinner is software that will take an article and make different versions of it.

That first article will be your “seed” article and has to be an article that is yours or that you are allowed to put your name on it. Then you have to put in variations of your text. Each of these hundreds of new versions of your article will be considered unique to search engines. The point is, you don’t have to write hundreds of articles, you can just “spin” ONE article and make hundreds. You then have hundreds of different versions of an article that you can use everywhere for backlinking or other things – This is of course a huge time saver.

There are a lot of spinners on the market now, some are good, some are OK and others are just junk. Now we will compare 4 most popular spinners(SpinnerChief, TBS, SpinRewriter and WordAi). SpinnerChief and WordAi are now considered the best at creating human readable spun text by one click, the TBS and SpinRewriter have a longer history. We have used all of these spinners and will give you a clear comparison among them about functions and price.

  SpinnerChief WordAi TBS SpinRewriter
Web Interface (Support Mac System) Yes (fast) Yes (Slow) No Yes
Native Windows Application Yes, loaded with features No Yes No
Native Mac Application No No No No
Unlimited Spins At No Extra Charge Yes No Yes Yes
Lifetime Option Available Yes No No Yes
Basic Spinning function Yes Yes Yes Yes
Auto Spinning Speed Super Fast Super Slow Very Good Not Fast
Auto Spinning Quality Very Good Very Good Good Good
Manually Spinning Efficiency Very Good Not Good Very Good Not Good
One Click to Get Readable Article Yes Yes No No
Get Spun Articles that are Unique for Each Other Yes No Yes No
Cost $34/monthor



$197 Lifetime



$47/year $37/monthor



$497 Lifetime

Sale Page http://www.spinnerchief.com http://www.wordai.com http://www.thebestspinner.com http://www.spinrewriter.com
Coupon 30% Discount:(Use the code on payment page)f7ecdc1b7e244bd79d70efca6f69296c Save $50 for yealy planhttp://www.couponayya.com/coupons/wordai-coupon-wordai-discount  $10 Off:http://www.secockpitblog.com/the-best-spinner-discount/  Not Found

Conclusion, SpinnerChief won because it provides the best/most functions with cheapest price. But it doesn’t mean the other spinners are useless, get what most fits for your need is best.

And there is another very detailed comparison between SpinnerChief and WordAi from other marketer: 